Customer journey

From a need to purchase and beyond

You have a product or solution that people are really waiting for. So customers will naturally come to you, right? If only that were the case! To maximize your chances, we need to know how your target groups behave. From their need to purchase - and beyond. We call this the customer journey.

Customer journey mapping

We first ask you everything about what you do. For example, we want to know exactly what your sales funnel looks like. Which gaps can be filled. Not with just talk, but with actual content, activities and mechanisms that touch and work. And we do this exactly where your target group is, otherwise it’s no use to you.

  • We ensure that you are visible to your customers at an early stage and in a distinctive way.
  • We hold their attention with smart touchpoints in all phases.
  • We ensure that your content and activities perfectly match the moment in your journey.

Phases of the customer journey

Your customer journey has several phases which we work out based on Google's See-Think-Do-Care model. There’s also a good chance that you will have multiple customer journeys because each customer is different. But let's keep it simple here.


This is the start of your customer journey. Here we focus on making your brand and products or services more known and visible.


Your potential customer is actively looking for, and thinking about, your product or service. We optimize the chance that they end up with you.


All that hard work pays off. The customer chooses your product or service through your channel. Conversion, baby!


Once someone is a customer with you, you have to make sure that they remain a customer. That’s logical isn’t it? So now we are going to deepen the relationship so that the customer becomes an ambassador for life. Or at least for as long as possible.

A customer journey that never ends

When you’ve finally won over those customers, you would be crazy if you just let them go. You naturally want them to stay and buy from you regularly. Optimizing the customer journey is therefore a continuous process. One in which we get inside your customers to discover exactly how we can continue to stimulate and seduce them. Measure, analyze, optimize – let’s get started!