Market research

Market research for brands that want to win

Whether you want to increase your brand awareness, make your target group as enthusiastic as a puppy, or simply want to launch a new product, you will get the best results with a rock-solid strategy. But this requires market research that is just as strong. In order to get people to choose your product, solution, service or store, we need to know everything about your market. Then we map out a strategy that will knock out your competitors.

We learn everything there is to know about your market

A good start is half the battle. That’s why we research everything: your market, your industry, your segment and your competitors. We'd even go and visit them if we could. We look at the trends, your current market position, and more importantly: where you want to go. Because if we know where you want to go, it is easier to map out how to get there.

The types of market research we do

Sector research

Sectors are always in a state of flux. But we follow them closely. What’s happening in your sector? What’s happening in the field of product innovation? What about new services? What are the latest developments in your industry? And what risks are involved?

Competition analysis

On your way to the top, we nullify your competitors. Because we know exactly what they do and what can be improved.

Market opportunities 

Yesterday it was Instagram, today it might be TikTok. Everything online is constantly changing. So can you imagine what opportunities that offers? But we mustn’t forget the major threats out there that are casting their Net… 

Determining USPs

You want to distinguish yourself where you can. Not necessarily with ribbons and bows, but with revolutionary solutions, special knowledge, a personal customer experience, unique service, special communication, that sort of thing. And if we know exactly how things are going in your market, we can determine where your opportunities and possibilities lie.

Customer journey

It all starts with the customer journey. That’s why we research what your journey looks like and then design the ultimate customer journey. One that matches what your target group needs. And that gives you extra customers and extra turnover.