The challenge

Plameco has been very successful in the stretch or suspended) ceilings business since 1983. It’s pretty well-known among the 50-plus target audience, but not so much among the 30-plus target audience. So this had to change. Plameco asked Blue Dragon to build a strong base among the younger target audience. With the idea of promoting the product as well as the brand. All this without losing sight of the original target audience (50-plus).  

Our solution 

or this challenge, we relied on our Brand Impact methodology. Plameco had put together a great brand vision group whom we worked with in the brand sessions.
What followed was a razor-sharp Brand Challenge backed by ambition. Plameco’s board and management immediately understood that to facilitate this new brand vision would entail a dramatic change in communication and behaviour. There was too much emphasis on the product specifications and this needed to change. And so, to boost Plameco’s new image, we set up a nationwide campaign that focused on lifestyle, experience, humour, and a hint of sensuality. 

The result

We replaced the old proposition ‘A new roof within just one day’ with ‘Living better tomorrow’. This was a completely different take on things. It was more attractive for the younger target audience, but would also work great for the original target audience. With Blue Dragon’s creative help, Plameco took a huge step forward. And with a very rewarding result: the dealers are excited about Plameco’s new image and the first seeds have been planted in both the Netherlands and in Germany.